How do companies invest in the digital customer experience

1. The key to digital transformation is that it's not all about the technology
Behavior, whether it’s related to customers, employees, values, or expectations, is as important (or more so) as becoming increasingly digital through new investments in strategy and technology. Borrowing from informatics professors Erik Stolterman and Anna Croon Fors, digital transformation can also refer to the changes associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society.
2. Digital transformation comes down to people
However, customers aren’t the only ones who represent disruption — employees are also at the heart of change. In the research, scores of digital strategists were met who realized that the sense of urgency for digital transformation wouldn’t rain down from the C-Suite, but instead they recognized that change agents were needed to create awareness for change. The behavior of grassroots leaders stepping outside of their day-to-day role forms the roots of digital transformation for most businesses rising to the occasion.
3. How digital transformation is pursued, businesses are changing along the way
Businesses undergoing digital transformation are each, in their own way, creating new processes, forming new business models and teams, and investing in new technologies and systems to work in ways that are more relevant to the state and evolution of today’s markets. In doing so, they’re leveraging digital transformation to become more customer-centric, more human, and renewing their culture for a new generation of customers and employees.
These conclusions of the following excellent report "The 2014 State of Digital Transformation- how campanies are investing in the digital customer experience", which I highly recommend to read, explain very well who within a company has to do what in order to push the internal digital transformation correctly: